Green energy

Green electricity

Green electricity

Electricity is rated “green” if it produces no CO2 emissions.

So far, green electricity has been generated with the help of water, wind or the sun. However, these technologies are partly dependent on climatic conditions and the time of day


If ethanol – also called ethyl alcohol or simply alcohol – is produced through the fermentation of biomass, it is called bioethanol.
In 2019, the total bioethanol production volume of the EU member states was around 5.6 billion liters.
Green hydrogen

Green hydrogen

Hydrogen (H2) is a flammable, colourless and odourless gas.
Green hydrogen is produced using climate-neutral production processes.


Renewable energies



In the chemical and medical industries, hands, surfaces, instruments, etc. must be constantly disinfected.

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Cleaning agents

Cleaning agents

GEP cleaning agents meet the highest quality and ecological requirements. They are created by refining bioethanol according to the highest production standards.

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The GEP detergents meet the highest qualitative and ecological requirements. The refinement of bioethanol according to the highest production standards enables the production of detergents

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